El 01/10/14 a las #4, Alain Baudrez escribiĆ³:
> I have quit using the combobox because its behavior with long lists really
> pisses me off. When you click the dropdown arrow a list of items fills the
> screen from top to bottom, which is not only ugly for the eyes, but also
> confuses the users.
> I expected to see a behavior like you see in LibreOffice dropdown boxes,
> with a relative small drop-down  section and the original textbox portion
> of the combobox visible.
> Is there a at least way to restrict to length of the dropdown section of
> the combobox to let's say approx 10 visible items?


It seems to me that it depends on the toolkit used. I mean, if you use 
gb.gui (with gnome desktop) or gb.gtk, the underlying desktop manager 
uses that behavior in the comboboxes. But if you change to gb.qt4, you 
will notice the differences.

Let change to gb.qt4 and you will see a "normal" combobox.

Jesus Guardon

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