On Sun, 12 Oct 2014 01:45:26 +0200
Benoît Minisini <gam...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Le 12/10/2014 00:52, B Bruen a écrit :
> > A couple of oddities have emerged from my work in the "A Good Idea?"
> > thread:
> >
> > 1) the _IsVirtual constant - this appears now to be a function? Is
> > the help documentation correct or is this constant/function something
> > I am not understanding?
> _IsVirtual is a constant boolean. Where do you see it is a function?
In the Form_Open() for the application form Print VSysInfos._IsVirtual
(Function vSysInfos:12)

For what it's worth line 12 of the vSysInfos class is a comment
' Public Const _Properties As String = "*"


> >
> > 2) a bit more complex - I have an ancestral class, VMenuItem, that
> > exposes some properties. In the popup wrapper class that inherits
> > VMenuItem I set the values of these properties in the constructor.
> > When I drag the popup virtual control onto a form in the IDE these
> > properties show on the control properties panel, but the values are
> > not shown.  Any clues?
> >
> > regards Bruce
> >
> Putting a custom control on a from in the IDE has nothing to do with 
> instanciating it at runtime.
> In other words, you must tell the default values of your properties 
> (i.e. the value they have once your control is instanciated) in the 
> _Properties constant, otherwise you won't see them. No magic there!
> This is normally explained in the wiki.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Benoît Minisini
Ah, rats.  I see now why this doesn't work. Dammit.

I don't suppose I could use a Subst() in the constant declaration could I. 
(Just joking.)

B Bruen <bbr...@paddys-hill.net>

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