I was playing around trying to learn how to pass string arrays back and 
I then looked at the array.sort function. The prototype in the Wiki 
indicates that it returns an "string[]".

       Function Sort([Mode As Integer]) As String[]

However it seems that I can not use the returned values(s) where I would 
normally use an array. It appears to to me to operate more as a SUB than 
a FUNCTION in that it resorts the array but does not return something 
that I can use in another function or procedure. Is my interpretation of 
the prototype wrong-headed ?


Lewis Balentine

Private Function TestFunction() As String[]
   Return ["TEST:abcdefghij", "TEST:1234567890", "TEST:ABCDEFGHIJ"]

Private Sub DoPrint(XXX As String[])
   Dim S As String
   For Each S In XXX
     Print S
   Print "------"

Public Sub Main()
   ' From Gambas Wiki:
  '     Function Sort([Mode As Integer]) As String[]
  '     Sort the array.
   Dim XXX As String[] = ["XXX:abcdefghij", "XXX:1234567890", 
   Dim S As String

   ' All of the following work as expected
   XXX = TestFunction()

   ' None of the following works: Type Mismatch, wanted string[] got 
function instead
   ' xxx = TestFunction().sort
   ' DoPrint(XXX.sort)
   ' DoPrint(TestFunction().sort)

   ' For Each S In XXX.Sort                '  not an object
   '   Print S
   ' Next
   ' Print "-------"

   ' For Each S In TestFunction().sort       '  not an object
   '   Print S
   ' Next


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