Hi All,

I recently discovered that highlight fdoesn't on Gambas 3.7.1 as it did in previous versions. I have a textEditor application (gbEdit) that uses a Editor (from qt4.ext) and heavily relies on highlight for highlighting Gambas code, difference files, html files, gambas webpages and so on.

As I said, this worked great with Gambas 3.5.x and Gambas 3.6.x.
I made a small project (attached) to show what I mean.

i tested it with a difference file.
Opening the file and going to menu View -> Difference file on Gambas 3.5.4 shows a correctly highlighted difference file (see screen).

Opening the same difference file and going to menu View -> Difference file on Gambas 3.7.1 crashes the application (see screen).

Same goes for C, CPlusPlus, CSS, HTML, Javascript, HTML and SQL (oh and Webpage although it isn't in the example code attached). All work well on Gambas 3.5.x and 3.6.x but crash the app on Gambas 3.7.1

Is this a bug or has something changed?


Attachment: EditorHighlight-0.0.1.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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