Le 22/06/2015 20:07, herberth guzman a écrit :
> Hi Benoit
> I want to show an image associated fileview file icon "* .desktop"
> DesktopMime.FromFile understand how it works, use that code to the menu
> "open with"
>     For Each df In DesktopFile.FromMime (DesktopMime.FromFile (sPath) .Type)
>       Inc i
>       Item_Menu_Link = New Menu (mnuOpenwith) As "Items"
>       Item_Menu_Link.text = df.ProgramName
>       Item_Menu_Link.Picture = df.GetIcon (16) .Picture
>       Item_Menu_Link.Tag = i
>     Next
> But I can not make it work with fileview, I use the class of Fabien, but i
> have trouble (Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename over a file).
> To display the contents of my Desktop unify With Class_FileView
> Class_DesktopApps (created by Fabien) to make it more attractive for the
> user.
> Questions?
> FileView can show the icons ("PNG") related of one file ".desktop", and
> Run
> attached
> example DEMO
> Regards
> Herberth Guzman

Same problem here: I'm not sure to understand what you try to say... :-/

If FileView does not enough for you, I suggest you take its code, and 
enhance it to make your own MyFileView control?


Benoît Minisini

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