On Fri, 02 Oct 2015, Charlie wrote:
> Have you tried something simple like and let the computer do the work: -
> /Public Sub Form_Open()
> Dim sDesktop, sDir As String
> sDesktop = Desktop.Type
> Select Case sDesktop
>   Case "GNOME"
>     Shell "gksu ls -a" To sDir          'Ubuntu, Mint, Debian etc
>   Case "KDE"
>     Shell "kdesudo ls -a" To sDir    'Kubuntu, Mint KDE etc
> End Select
> Print sDir
> End/

That would work only in a graphical environment. Also gb.desktop reports my
DE as "?". What do you do in that case?

And also these programs don't return the password but start a process under
a different user. What if the password was meant to connect to a MySQL data-
base or to read a password-protected RAR archive?


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