Comment #1 by zxMarce:


I'm trying to help BenoƮt get a properly-working ODBC driver for Gambas. The 
old one did not work, and had its quirks and shortcuts after making it work.
I just tried an ODBC connection from my home laptop to one of my work's MSSQL 
Servers via ODBC/FreeTDS and it worked with the wizard.
Anyway, the wizard is not the top priority I'm giving the driver. Proper 
functionality is first, and the driver still lacks some of it.

For the Gambas ODBC driver to work you must have unixODBC installed and 
configured (I do not know if iODBC would work), and at least one ODBC DB driver 
configured and tested working. In my case I'm successfully using Gambas 3.8.2 
(stable) and 3.8.90 (dev) against unixODBC and FreeTDS to connect to MSSQL 2005 
and 2008.

By the way, I can tell you that the recently updated ODBC driver now accepts 
both DSN or a properly formed Connection String as the Connection's Host 
A connection string is of the form: 
 It may have driver modifiers, like in my test, where I added a clause 
"TDS_Version=7.2" right between the DRIVER and SERVER portions.

I wanted to attach a pic of my test with the successful connection, but I 
cannot figure out how.

Hope this helps,

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