On Mon, 26 Oct 2015 15:49:43 +0100
Benoît Minisini <gam...@users.sourceforge.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have uploaded a beta version of a new website design at:
> http://gambas.sourceforge.net/en/test.html
> You still have to login both on the wiki and the bugtracker, but the 
> accounts are the same.
> The all contents is now stored in the wiki, so updates and translations 
> will be easier.
> Only the top header needs to be translated through the "MakeWebSite" 
> project located in '/trunk/app/others'. And the arabic version layout 
> needs polishing too.
> I'm waiting for your comments and suggestions now... :-)
> -- 
> Benoît Minisini

A couple of negatives (sorry).
1. The clustrmaps image does not appear and the link is a 404.
2. and this is just a personal "I hate"  Why use a menu bar that is part icon 
and part text?  The Home and Language items are icons and the rest is text.
3. The news dates are rendering incorrectly.
4. (personal again) The Home page message intent is confusing, is it intended 
to be a "news" page for experienced users or a "welcome to the world of Gambas" 
for new visitors?


B Bruen <adamn...@gnail.com (sort of)>

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