Le 11/06/2016 17:27, Tobias Boege a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just tried to feed a Python script to Gimp from within a Gambas project.
> It didn't really work out that easily because Gimp wants to read the script
> from standard input (AFAIK it does not recognise a path to the script file).
> So I have to File.Load the script and Print it to the Gimp process. To
> signal that the script is complete, I have to close the Gimp process input
> stream. The only way I can do this is via
>    Close #hGimp
 > but this line also closes the output stream so that I can't get status
 > reports from my script.

Mmm, no: closing a process stream only closes the process input stream. 
It does not close the process output stream.

See 'gbx_stream_process.c' at line 55:

static int stream_close(STREAM *stream)
        if (FDW >= 0)
                if (close(FDW) < 0)
                        return TRUE;

                FDW = -1;

        return FALSE;

The process output stream is closed only when the process dies for any 

Do you say that because you don't catch the entire process output from 

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