Hi again,

As you may know, there is a new component named 'gb.web.form' that 
allows to make web applications in a specific Gambas way, by drawing the 
GUI of your web application from the IDE form editor.

I have made the configuration interface of a web radio project with it 
and I will release it as a big example of what you can do with this 

This web radio is made of three parts:

1) A web radio server: A Gambas command-line program that broadcasts the 
sound through HTTP, using 'vlc'.

2) A web radio client: a little HTML page with javascript and a few 
images that plays the sound from your browser.

3) A web radio configuration program: a web application made with Gambas 
and gb.web.form.

You have screenshots of the configuration program on the Gambas 
sourceforge web site.

I will try to make a package of all this thing and put it on GitHub, so 
I learn to use git with Gambas program (It will help me make git support 
in the IDE)

If you are interested by this project, if you have questions, tell me.

I have to write documentation about it, as you have to run the web radio 
server behind a proxy, and serve the web radio client HTML pages trough 
a HTTP server (which is usually the proxy too).


Benoît Minisini

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