------- Comment #22 from mark at codesourcery dot com  2008-01-05 07:55 -------
Subject: Re:  [4.2/4.3 regression] ICE with incompatible types
 for ?: with "complex type" conversion

gdr at cs dot tamu dot edu wrote:

> | > I'd rather distinguish the constructor taking __complex__ by adding
> | > a dummy parameter:
> | > 
> | >    enum _DummyArg { };
> | >    complex(__complex__ double __z, _DummyArg);
> | 
> | That will, however, break backwards compatibility for user programs (if
> | any) relying on the constructor.
> That isn't a concern because I never published that constructor as a
> contract in the interface of std::complex<double>.

I'm not sure what you mean by that.  It's a public constructor; how do
we know that there aren't users out there using it?  How would they have
known that they weren't supposed to use it?



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