--- Comment #2 from Gerhard Steinmetz <> 

There is no problem when
   implicit character(8) (a-z)

is changed to one of
   implicit none
   implicit integer (a-z)
   implicit logical (a-z)
   implicit real (a-z)
   implicit complex (a-z)

And in above examples, there is no problem when "real :: e"
is changed to "integer :: e" (same type as f).

But same ICE, if type of e is changed from real to one of
logical, double precision or complex. For example :

$ cat zl1_imchfe.f90
module m
   implicit character(8) (a-z)
   function f(x)
      integer :: x
      integer :: f
      logical :: e
      f = x
   entry e(x)
      e = x > 0
end module

program p
   use m
   print *, f(1)
   print *, e(1)

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