------- Additional Comments From schlie at comcast dot net  2004-12-27 18:34 
Subject: Re:  [4.0 Regression] libgcc2.h Improperly
 determines required built-in function size requirements.

> From: berndtrog at yahoo dot com <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ------- Additional Comments From berndtrog at yahoo dot com  2004-12-27 17:10
> Paul, 
> I'd like to test your patch in comment #11.
> How do I apply it?
> Patch says:
> patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.

I apologize, what I posed was not a properly formatted patch; but should
be sufficient to hand edit into the few files referenced; from which a
properly formatted one may be generated if desired. (file names given,
search for matching text, + lines added, - lines removed.)



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