"H.J. Lu" <hjl.to...@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 6:28 AM, Richard Guenther
><richard.guent...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 1:30 PM, Richard Guenther <rguent...@suse.de>
>>> This adds a new optimization level, -Og, as previously discussed.
>>> It aims at providing fast compilation, a superior debugging
>>> experience and reasonable runtime performance.  Instead of making
>>> -O1 this optimization level this adds a new -Og.
>>> It's a first cut, highlighting that our fixed pass pipeline and
>>> simply enabling/disabling individual passes (but not pass copies
>>> for example) doesn't scale to properly differentiate between
>>> -Og and -O[23].  -O1 should get similar treatment, eventually
>>> just building on -Og but not focusing on debugging experience.
>>> That is, I expect that in the end we will at least have two post-IPA
>>> optimization pipelines.  It also means that you cannot enable
>>> PRE or VRP with -Og at the moment because these passes are not
>>> anywhere scheduled (similar to the situation with -O0).
>>> It has some funny effect on dump-file naming of the pass copies
>>> though, which hints at that the current setup is too static.
>>> For that reason the new queue comes after the old, to not confuse
>>> too many testcases.
>>> It also does not yet disable any of the early optimizations that
>>> make debugging harder (SRA comes to my mind here, as does
>>> switch-conversion and partial inlining).
>>> The question arises if we want to support in any reasonable
>>> way using profile-feedback or LTO for -O[01g], thus if we
>>> rather want to delay some of the early opts to after IPA
>>> optimizations.
>>> Not bootstrapped or fully tested, but it works for the compile
>>> torture.
>>> Comments welcome,
>> No comments?  Then I'll drop this idea for 4.8.
>When I debug binutils, I have to use -O0 -g to get precise
>line and variable info.  Also glibc has to be compiled with
>-O, which makes debug a challenge.  Will -Og help bintils
>and glibc debug?

I suppose so, but it is hard to tell without knowing more about the issues.


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