Howard Butler, Even Rouault, and Dan Baston held the monthly GDAL Maintainers 
Meeting on 08/24/2023. Alessandro was unavailable due to vacation conflicts. 

Fundraising update

Obtaining sponsorship renewals continues to be challenging. Another gold 
sponsor has dropped supporting GDAL. This brings us to two gold and two bronze 
level sponsors who have declined to renew their sponsorship for 2023-2024 [1]. 
This will take away $120,000 of sponsorship funding for the next year. If your 
corporate organization values the efforts of the GDAL sponsorship program and 
are willing to step forward to continue support of these activities, please 
contact me privately and I will be happy to route you through NumFOCUS to help 
us backfill the hole. If you are a customer of the companies who have dropped 
supporting GDAL, you might mention your frustration with that fact through your 
sales or other communication channels.

Maintenance activities update

* Dan reports that NASA will be continuing to fund his maintenance efforts and 
activity level with the project for the next year. Thanks Dan and thanks NASA!

* Dan continued GDAL test refactoring and enhancement to allow tests to be run 
without ordering dependencies. The ultimate goal of this effort is to enable 
parallel execution of the test suite to shorten our CI execution times. 
Specific updates here include providing temppath fixtures for many tests and 
cleaning up collisions of /vsimem calls.

* Even reports slightly reduced bug and maintenance activity due to vacation 
season with about 10 tickets addressed.

* Even continued enhancement of parquet/arrow and GeoParquet. This included 
providing RowGroups and group statistics when writing content, nested parquet 
datatype support and parquet attribute filtering.

* Even added more epoch handling improvements in PROJ

* Alessandro worked to add a unified subdataset name APIs and align the 
driver-dependent versions of the same for GDAL. This is to make it easier to 
present and consume them in applications like QGIS.

* Howard, Dan, and Even had a discussion about GDAL's plugin system. This was 
continuation of discussion started at [2].

* A short discussion about incrementing GDAL's base C++ level to C++17 was 
ticketed please provide feedback if 
you have opinions about such an increment

* Dan discussed the potential of merging the capabilities of exactextract into GDAL's base algorithms for 
providing fast and accurate raster partial pixel polygon overlay statistics. 

* Even discussed the potential of aliasing GIntBig into standard ctypes 

The next GDAL Maintainers Meeting is 09/28/2023 at 9:00 EDT. Any PSC members 
are welcome to join by reaching out to me for an invite.


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