
The newest GDAL in the official RHEL repo is 3.4.3, released 2022-04-22. There 
used to be GDAL 3.7 available from the PostgreSQL repo 
https://yum.postgresql.org/repopackages/ and we have been using that, but the 
version was removed recently. Some other user was unhappy as well and created a 
Bug #7943: Providers missing from pgdg-common for GDAL 3.7 
(RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux 8) - PostgreSQL YUM Repository - Redmine - PostgreSQL 

That user got this feedback:
"Why did you install GDAL 3.7? The packages are in the repo, but they were 
never required by any released GIS suite. I even removed them from git a couple 
of weeks ago:
Commit comment: gdal35 and gdal37: Remove from the repo. Not used in any 

By our agency's IT policy compiling GDAL by ourselves is not possible. Can 
anyone suggest other acceptable means for getting at least GDAL 3.7 for RHEL 8?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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