On 9/27/06, Vaughn Treude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > >
> >
> > Does it only work when all the components are embedded?  Sounds like
> > that could make the resulting file pretty big.
> No. Embedding components is useful when sending your schematic to someone
> else who may not use the library that you are using.
> >
> > I've attached the SCH file rather than putting it in line - hope that's
> > OK.  I've embedded all the components, and it still doesn't consolidate
> > +5V and Vcc.
> The problem is that you did not connect your power symbols to their
> respective components with a net. You have the pin ends against each other.
> If you move the power symbols and use net connections the schematic will
> netlist and load into PCB.
> The schematic below will netlist and load into PCB (provided that you
> update the footprint attributes to match footprints on your system).
> (* jcl *)

You're right, I goofed.  :-)  It's easy to miss that because the red
square goes away making it look like the two components connected.

I did a netlist of the modified file and it looked the same as the
previous one I had.  Perhaps it gets modified when it's sucked into PCB.

I'm not actually averse to creating custom devices; In the last couple
of weeks I've created about a dozen gschem symbols and at least that
many pcb footprints.  It's just that I'm getting tired of all the work!

Managing a component library is a fair amount of work that is not much
fun to do.
There is no way around it. For schematic symbols you need to verify
that the symbols
match the manufacturer specification sheet. For PCB footprints you need to
verify that the footprints match the manufacturerspecifications and
your manufacturing

I am surprised that you needed to create that many footprints since there are
quite a few already created. Have you checked out gedasymbols.org and
my website http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/pcb-footprint-list.html

I'm beginning to think it may be worthwhile to convert the 14 or so
devices on my existing schematic to a "no embedded net" format.  Your
script would make that easier; I was afraid I'd have to do it manually.
I like the idea of having the +5 and ground connections shown with the
decoupling capacitor.  It's unfortunate it requires a separate symbol,
but I don't think there's any really clean way to approach it,
considering that the power pins don't fit into the "slot" concept.

Having a separate symbol is a little more work but is not too bad.
We have discussed (at the Freedog meetings) having multiple types of
slots in a component symbol.

Thanks to you, and to John G., for all your help!

Your welcome.

(* jcl *)


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