On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 14:54, John Luciani wrote:
> On 9/27/06, Vaughn Treude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > > > Does it only work when all the components are embedded?  Sounds like
> > > > that could make the resulting file pretty big.
> > >
> > > No. Embedding components is useful when sending your schematic to someone
> > > else who may not use the library that you are using.
> > > >
> > > > I've attached the SCH file rather than putting it in line - hope that's
> > > > OK.  I've embedded all the components, and it still doesn't consolidate
> > > > +5V and Vcc.
> > >
> > > The problem is that you did not connect your power symbols to their
> > > respective components with a net. You have the pin ends against each 
> > > other.
> > > If you move the power symbols and use net connections the schematic will
> > > netlist and load into PCB.
> > >
> > > The schematic below will netlist and load into PCB (provided that you
> > > update the footprint attributes to match footprints on your system).
> > >
> > > (* jcl *)
> >
> > You're right, I goofed.  :-)  It's easy to miss that because the red
> > square goes away making it look like the two components connected.
> >
> > I did a netlist of the modified file and it looked the same as the
> > previous one I had.  Perhaps it gets modified when it's sucked into PCB.
> >

> > I'm not actually averse to creating custom devices; In the last couple
> > of weeks I've created about a dozen gschem symbols and at least that
> > many pcb footprints.  It's just that I'm getting tired of all the work!
> > :-)
> Managing a component library is a fair amount of work that is not much
> fun to do.
> There is no way around it. For schematic symbols you need to verify
> that the symbols
> match the manufacturer specification sheet. For PCB footprints you need to
> verify that the footprints match the manufacturerspecifications and
> your manufacturing
> process.
> I am surprised that you needed to create that many footprints since there are
> quite a few already created. Have you checked out gedasymbols.org and
> my website http://www.luciani.org/geda/pcb/pcb-footprint-list.html

I did not know you had such a big collection of footprints!  It would
have saved me some work.  My circuit has a few off-beat components on
it, but I was surprised to see that a  number of standard SMD components
were not in there, and I ended up creating them.  

> > I'm beginning to think it may be worthwhile to convert the 14 or so
> > devices on my existing schematic to a "no embedded net" format.  Your
> > script would make that easier; I was afraid I'd have to do it manually.
> > I like the idea of having the +5 and ground connections shown with the
> > decoupling capacitor.  It's unfortunate it requires a separate symbol,
> > but I don't think there's any really clean way to approach it,
> > considering that the power pins don't fit into the "slot" concept.
> Having a separate symbol is a little more work but is not too bad.
> We have discussed (at the Freedog meetings) having multiple types of
> slots in a component symbol.

I hate to be a pest on this issue, but I never did get gnetlist to
handle the embedded nets correctly.  Not that I mind that much changing
the symbols to eliminate embedded power pins (I'll do whatever works)
but I don't know how else to handle the connections between the sheets
of the schematic.  I can't afford the time to keep manually correcting
the netlists.  I don't know what version of gnetlist I'm using, as the
usage message didn't seem to include version info.  But am I correct in
using the "-g PCB" flag?  I don't see what I'm doing wrong, but there
must be something.  When I netlist the modified SCH file you sent me
still does not consolidate the +5V and Vcc nets.  I get the following

+5V     R1-1 
unnamed_net3    U1-10 R1-2 R2-1 
GND     R2-2 U1-7 
Vcc     U1-14 
unnamed_net2    U1-6 U1-2 
unnamed_net1    U1-9 U1-4 U1-3 

Besides gnetlist, is there some other way to generate a netlist?

Thanks again,

> > Thanks to you, and to John G., for all your help!
> Your welcome.
> (* jcl *)

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