On 10/20/06, Stephen Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Icarus Verilog has lacked a User Guide for too long now, so I've
started a documentation Wiki here: <http://iverilog.wikia.com>.
I've seeded it with some documentation that I've been hoarding
for a while now, and also got the basics of the layout more or
less how I would like it, so I'm opening it up to a wider audience.


I am currently working on a homebrew computer project based on the
65816 currently, and will be using the Xess, Inc. pre-fabricated FPGA
boards for making my "custom chips" using Verilog.  Icarus will play a
big role in that task.  Perhaps this wiki can also grow to include a
best-practices section as well.

Samuel A. Falvo II

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