Please put all of this into the FAQ ... it's quite non-obvious!

First I want to hear that it solves the OP's problem.

BTW:  I found a misdirection in my original post.  Here's a cleaned up
version which I can stick on the wiki -- assuming it works for the

 1.  Create a project directory, for example ${HOME}/myproj.

 2.  Place the symbols you want to use into ${HOME}/myproj/symbols.

 3.  Create a gafrc file in ${HOME}/myproj.

 4.  In gafrc, put this line:

 (component-library "./symbols")

 5.  Run gschem from your project directory ${HOME}/myproj.  That
 is, do this to run gschem:

 cd ${HOME}/myproj
 gschem myschematic.sch

Points to remember:
* Make sure gafrc lives in your main project directory. * Run all gEDA programs from your main project directory. * Run the programs from the command line in a terminal
  shell -- don't use any whizzy, shiny desktop icons to run gschem (if
  you have them) since you won't know what directory gschem is starting
  in, and gschem might not find gafrc.
* The key is: start gschem in the same directory as where your gafrc

Finally, to make it totally, blindingly, stupifyingly obvious, I have
a sample project (which was the subject of last year's Circuit Cellar
article) on my website.  It's in a tarball called
ProximitySensor.tar.gz.  Grab it and open it up to see how I generally
configure a gEDA/gaf project.



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