
I'm working on recreating a printed circuit board from a screenshot, and --
having aligned all the vias and traces as closely as I could with the
original artwork -- would like to recreate the ground plane by hand.

However, I can't seem to keep get polygons to "stick," for lack of a better
word. Placing a rectangle, I need to click once at the origin, move the
mouse to adjust the size of the rectangle, and then left click again. I have
a feeling that placing polygons is similarly obvious, but I can't figure it
out: after I have created the outline of the polygon, what then? left
clicking again obviously starts another line in the polygon, right clicking
does nothing, and the middle mouse button zooms out. What am I doing wrong?

Also, this is a two layer board: the top layer traces are in the component
layer, and the bottom layer traces are in the solder layer. Should I place
the ground plane in the solder layer as well? Or should I put it in the GND
layer to differentiate it from the traces on the bottom of the board?

And one last thing: Some of the vias have rectangular copper bits around
them, presumably to catch more solder and create a little heat sink (just a
guess: I really don't know). So far, I've just been placing vias and drawing
the rectangular copper sections by hand: is there a better way?

Thanks much,

"Windows [n.]
A thirty-two bit extension and GUI shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight
bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor and sold
by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."

* JDP :)  *

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