*sigh* This is bad enough to be called a bug. If you have a small
example that triggers this "aspect", can you file it as a bug report?
You have my permisison to nudge its priority up to "6" because this
is actually quite embarrassing:-(

> On 5 Apr 2007, at 11:22:18 AM, Stephen Williams wrote:
>>> I've made a BMP image format creating module for fun.
>>> I maintain a 640x480 24-bits per pixel buffer and then write the data
>>> out to a file.
>>> At first I used a reg array, but came to find that each element of such
>>> a structure
>>> is expressed in vvp assembly as distinct reg. This made the vvp assembly
>>> 32 MB
>>> and unrunnable.
>> Now independent of all the above, I'm surprised that 32Meg makes
>> a vvp file "unrunnable". I can believe "slow to load", but unless
>> you are very memory constrained, it shouldn't be that much slower
>> then in older snapshots before exploded arrays.
>> Try "vvp -v foo.vvp" to get a bit more detail what might be
>> going on.
> Here are the results from
>     (1) Large reg (byte) array    :    reg [7:0] data
> [0:sizeImage-1];         // sizeImage =   640*480*3 bytes
>     (2) Large reg vector        :    reg [sizeImage*8-1:0] data;
> (1) (a) Running iverilog produces in 11.6 seconds the file a.out, which
> is 35 MB:
>     Using language generation: IEEE1364-2001+Extensions,specify,xtypes
>        test
>     ... done, 0.02 seconds.
>     ... done, 0.68 seconds.
>     -F cprop ...
>     -F nodangle ...
>     ... 1 iterations deleted 0 dangling signals and 0 events. (count=0)
>     ... done, 0.01 seconds.
>     CODE GENERATION -t dll
>     ... invoking target_design
>     ... done, 11.6 seconds.
>     lex_string: add_count=44 hit_count=123
> (1)    (b)     Running vvp -v a.out takes 1.22 hours to compile
>         and 15.3 seconds to run (fill all locations and write file).
>     Compiling VVP ...
>     Compile cleanup...
>     ... Linking
>     ... Removing symbol tables
>     ...        0 functors
>                       0 table
>                       0 bufif
>                       0 resolv
>                       0 variable
>     ...      901 opcodes (16384 bytes)
>     ...   921630 nets
>     ...        0 memories
>     ...        5 scopes
>     ... 4404.64 seconds, 0.0/0.0/0.0 KBytes size/rss/shared
>     Running ...
>     ... 15.3602 seconds, 0.0/0.0/0.0 KBytes size/rss/shared
>     Event counts: (event pool = 0)
>            20007 thread schedule events
>                0 propagation events
>                0 assign events
>                0 other events
> (2) (a) Running iverilog produces in 0.03 seconds the file a.out, which
> is 32 KB:
>     Using language generation: IEEE1364-2001+Extensions,specify,xtypes
>        test
>     ... done, 0.01 seconds.
>     ... done, 0.01 seconds.
>     -F cprop ...
>     -F nodangle ...
>     ... 1 iterations deleted 0 dangling signals and 0 events. (count=0)
>     ... done, 0 seconds.
>     CODE GENERATION -t dll
>     ... invoking target_design
>     ... done, 0.03 seconds.
>     lex_string: add_count=47 hit_count=123
> (1)    (b)     Running vvp -v a.out takes 0.02812 seconds to compile
>         and 11.7084 seconds seconds to run (fill all locations and write
> file).
>     Compiling VVP ...
>     Compile cleanup...
>     ... Linking
>     ... Removing symbol tables
>     ...        0 functors
>                       0 table
>                       0 bufif
>                       0 resolv
>                       0 variable
>     ...      907 opcodes (16384 bytes)
>     ...       33 nets
>     ...        0 memories
>     ...        5 scopes
>     ... 0.02812 seconds, 0.0/0.0/0.0 KBytes size/rss/shared
>     Running ...
>     ... 11.7084 seconds, 0.0/0.0/0.0 KBytes size/rss/shared
>     Event counts: (event pool = 0)
>            20007 thread schedule events
>                0 propagation events
>                0 assign events
>                0 other events
> In other words, exploding the arrays has a significantly bad impact on
> performance.
> As comparison:
>     import time
>     time1=time.time(); a = range(1024*768*3*8); print time.time() - time1
> gives:
>     1.99313998222 seconds
> and:
>     time1 = time.time()
>     for i in xrange(1024*768*3*8):
>             a[i] = 0;
>     print time.time() - time1
> gives:
>     13.961877107620239 seconds.
> Why not go ahead and compile vvp assembly?
> What makes python faster?
> Thanks for your time.
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Steve Williams                "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at icarus.com           But I have promises to keep,
http://www.icarus.com         and lines to code before I sleep,
http://www.picturel.com       And lines to code before I sleep."

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