On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 10:48 -0500, Harold D. Skank wrote:
> DJ,
> I'm beginning to feel a little dense.  I re-ran configure as you
> indicated below, but as far as I can tell, lesstif is not running.  I
> even went so far as to create a /home/lesstif_user directory, and did
> the lesstif "configure-make-make install" operations in that directory,
> then modified the local .bash_profile file to point to the pcb code.
> Again, same thing.  I could execute pcb, with the 32 layers, but it
> looked to me like I was still running gtk, not lesstif.
> Any further suggestions?

Just check which version of PCB it is picking up once more, with the

which pcb

Old versions of pcb had a bash script to execute the real "pcb-bin"
executable, however the newer versions have abandoned this. It would be
useful to check what exactly is being picked up when you execute "pcb".


Peter Clifton

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