Dave McGuire wrote:
> On Jun 16, 2007, at 1:19 AM, Samuel A. Falvo II wrote:
>>>    It was not compilation time.  I'm not running Linux on a PC, and
>>> apparently the git authors think (or thought) that "all the world's a
>>> Linux PC".
>> Well, yeah, it was authored by Linus Torvalds, so that's to be
>> expected.  I think it's gotten a _little_ looser since then, but it's
>> still predominantly assuming a Posix-compatible environment.
>    Not OS X or Solaris, at least not early last year.

If anyone needs git on something other than linux, you might look here 
for patches: 

I haven't really used it yet, but I'll agree the build system is a bit 
on the ugly side.

I'm hopeful that the the build problems are the primary warts!


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