On Thu, 2007-06-21 at 13:09 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2007 17:31:53 -0400, Dan McMahill wrote:

> If I got him right, he produced the binaries for the install file he 
> posted that way. The result is impressive --- The file installed like a 
> charme. No cygwin, no Xserver. This seems to me the way to go. Maybe his 
> build script can be modified to do the same trick to geda/gschem...

Credit where credit is due, the build script I used was a pruned down
version of Dan's more complete script for building under Cygwin.

It _is_ possible to compile gaf for Windows, indeed - I have done it.
Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to sort out an installer, so it
was a bit of a hack getting it onto a machine.

The cross compile wasn't as smooth as for PCB, several patches, some now
in "git" (was about to say CVS) were needed. Also, libtool seemed to
mess up the final linking, which is a pain. In the end, for my test, I
linked each binary by hand - rather than using the build system.

The main hurdle is compiling guile (and libgmp if you use guile1.8) for
windows. The cross-compile needed the main ./configure script hacking to
disable some tests (as you can't run windows executables to test
things). Also, Guile 1.6 requires a whole LOAD of patching to make it

Results were impressive though - it works! And it works pretty
completely. The only down side (Which is now a non-issue), is you have
to disable gsch2pcb's use of M4, as that uses "fork" calls in guile,
which don't exist on windows.

Cesar Strauss has done great work on patches to make gaf compile and
work under windows, they are far cleaner than the hacks I quickly put


Peter C

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