On Sep 26, 2007, at 12:45 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:

> Hi,
>     I'm trying to put the gschem-gsch2pcb-pcb-gerbv tool flow onto my
> MacBook.  Following http://www.ghz.cc/charles/fink/ everything  
> seems to
> go smoothly, and pcb and gerbv seem to start up OK.  gschem is not
> happy, however. The menus are broken pictures, the status box is  
> full of
> "Tried to set the sensitivity on a non-existent menu item", and the
> terminal windows contains these messages:
> Probably parenthesis mismatch in /sw/etc/gEDA/system-gschemrc
> Most recently read form: ([EMAIL PROTECTED] (build-path geda-rc-path gschem- 
> darkbg))

The "#@" is spurious: on my system that line reads:

(load (build-path geda-rc-path "gschem-darkbg")) ; dark background

Once it bombs on that file, it's going to have a lot of trouble...

> Failed to read init scm file [(null)/gschem.scm]
> Tried to get an invalid color: 0
> Loading schematic [/Users/dave/untitled_1.sch]
> Tried to get an invalid color: 0
> Tried to get an invalid color: 7
> Tried to get an invalid color: 0
> Tried to get an invalid color: 7
> So... I'm new to this whole fink thing (Slackware user  
> transitioning to
> Gentoo) so while I know this is a lame question, I need a clue as to
> where to dig next.
> -dave
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John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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