Hi Levente,

Got it working in sofar that I get a list of attributes to set.

Is dbsym to generate symbols already, or is this output to be expected.

./dbsym -f ../test/dbsymrc -h levente.obudanet.hu -o . -i 2
can't open config file: ~/dbsymrc: No such file or directory
can't open config file: ./dbsymrc: No such file or directory
|2|1|2|resistor.sym|NULL|1206.fp|R|10R|5%|0.25W|SMT|10 Ohm resistor|
http://www.google.com|This is another test|

Select symbol file './resistor.sym'
cp: cannot stat `./resistor.sym': No such file or directory

Please set the following attributes:
symbol  = resistor.sym
ID      = 2
footprint       = 1206.fp
value   = 10R
description     = 10 Ohm resistor
documentation   = http://www.google.com
pinmap  =

Kind regards,

Bert Timmerman.

On Tue, 2007-10-02 at 18:46 +0000, Levente wrote:
> Bert Timmerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Levente,
> > 
> > I grabbed yesterdays tarball from your cvs repository.
> > 
> > dbsym compiled after I installed the mysql-devel-5.0.27 package (for
> > FC5).
> :-) Good to hear.
> > After trying to start up with dbsym -f ../test/dbsymrc it reports:
> > 
> > can't open config file: ~/dbsymrc: No such file or directory
> > can't open config file: ./dbsymrc: No such file or directory
> > Unknown MySQL server host 'chacha' (1)
> > Error connecting to database server
> > 
> > Would it be possible to include the test database into your repository
> > as it is probably not that large yet.
> The structure is included in the sql directory. But my mySQL server listens on
> it's global interface. So what you should do is -h levente.obudanet.hu
> Enjoy

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