On Mon, Oct 08, 2007 at 01:50:07PM -0400, Randall Nortman wrote:
> I'm trying DJ's patch to export gerbers that Sierra will like
> (below).  I take it from reading the code that I am required to create
> a separate layer called "outline" which contains my board outline?
> And then this will automatically end up on one or both soldermask
> layers?
> This seems to be a bit of a problem, as I have pcb set so that the
> available board area *is* my outline, and therefore it won't let me
> draw a line with its center at the very edge of the board.  If I
> increase the board size, I'm going to have to move everything that's
> there now and be very careful about lining up the outline.  Perhaps I
> should just create the outline with ye olde text editor?

Nevermind, I am stupid.  Pcb *will* let me draw a line with the
centerline on the board outline.  Patch works like a champ.  Let's see
if Sierra's ordering process is happy with it...


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