> Ahhh, thanks.
> Is that different from the fc5 rpm right under it?  I grabbed that and 
> installed it, no problems, but no new components either after a gschem 
> restart.  I don't see a place in gschemrc to spec the new 'smallsym' 
> directory as a path to search for symbols.  I could selectively copy, but 
> that looks like a couple of hours work, & I'm gettin lazy in my old age.
I have the following lines in gafrc config file:

(component-library-search "/usr/share/gEDA/smallsym")
(component-library "${HOME}/.gEDA/symbols")

The first line deletes standard libraries from geda-symbols,
the second one adds small symbols and the third one defines a local directory 
to store private symbols.
The file gafrc can be placed in ${HOME}/.gEDA and then it works for all your 
projets, or in a project directory to be used only for this project.
I also changed some defaults for gschem by placing following lines in 
${HOME}/.gEDA/gschemrc file:

(define default-titleblock "title-A4.sym")
(net-style "thin")
(pin-style "thin")

This set the proper paper size and forces lines on schematic to be thinner.

Wojciech Kazubski

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