--------------   Free Dog Gathering Announcement ----------------

The Free EDA Users Group will meet this coming Sunday, November 11th.
We have a special event this month:  Peter Brett is visiting us from
the UK.  Therefore, we will move our traditional meeting from mid-week
to Sunday afternoon.

*** Note location! *** Since Peter will be at MIT, we'll 
gather at our old haunt, the Kendall Square Starbucks located 
on Ames St, across from Quantum Books.

*** Feature! ***  For those not able to be present physically, we
will have at least one participant on IRC, so if you Europeans feel
like staying up late, please join us on IRC channel #geda!

The meeting will be an open and informal working session.  Bring your
laptop *and* wireless card!  We'll start gathering in mid-afternoon
(around 3pm) and spend some time hacking.  Then Peter will show up
around 5:30pm and the real fun will begin!

Some items on the agenda are:

*  Google's Summer of Code -- plans for next year.
*  How to make friends at MIT?
*  Gerbv -- let's spin another release.
*  Hack some code for fun and (no) profit.
*  Peter's work on gEDA -- the UK overtakes the USA as gEDA
    development center.
*  Whatever you've been up to...

Free Dog is an association of like-minded hackers and engineers
interested in free and open EDA tools. We hold monthly meetings 
around the Boston area featuring informal networking, speakers, and 
camaraderie. Our goals are to learn more about CAD, engineering and
scientific software, share ideas about our current projects, and --
most importantly -- have fun with like-minded people. We welcome new
members and participants of all ages.  Students are particularly

Date: Sunday November 11th, 2007.  (*** Note day ***)
Time: 3pm onwards, Eastern US Time.
Location: Kendall Square Starbucks, 6 Cambridge Ctr
                                     Cambridge, MA 02142

==>  The Starbucks is located across Ames street from
      Quantum Books near Kendall Square and MIT.

IRC:  #geda

For more details, please contact me privately at sdb (* AT *) 
cloud9 (* DOT *) net.

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