On Nov 5, 2007, at 9:18 PM, Ed & Angie S. wrote:

> I'm trying to created a component for gschem where two separate  
> symbols are used to represent a single component because of the  
> large number of signals involved.  I found a recommendation in the  
> archives suggesting that this could be accomplished by simply  
> setting the reference designator the same for both symbols in the  
> schematics.  I have done this and it appears to have worked when  
> looking at the geda netlist output.  However, the gnetlist drc2  
> checker is giving me the following errors:
> 1.  Checking Duplicated References -  Error:  Duplicated Reference U1
> 2.  Checking Duplicated Slots - Error Duplicated slot of uref U1
> U1 is the component for which I have two symbols and have set the  
> reference designator of each to U1.  The slot attribute is set to  
> slot=0 for both symbols.  Am I doing anything wrong or is this just  
> a little glitch in the drc checker?

What you are doing is fine. The drc2 checker has many limitations. It  
seems intended for pure single technology digital circuitry. It  
complains about many things that are not errors, and misses many  
errors. The phrase "straining out gnats and swallowing camels" would  
seem to apply. To use drc2 successfully you really need to understand  
its limitations. I do not understand why we are pushing it on new users.

If you're going to use drc2, it's generally necessary to understand  
its limitations and ignore all of its spurious complaints.

John Doty              Noqsi Aerospace, Ltd.

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