Steve Meier wrote:
> This can also be turned around. What are the rquirements that you have
> for an eda tool set? 
> I tend to list the weaknesses of geda/pcb from my perspective.
> 1) Lack of support for hierarchical buses.
> 2) pcb lacks buried, blind and micro vias.
> 3) no back annotation between pcb and gschem.

#3 should read "limited back annotation between pcb and gschem".  If you 
  renumber reference designators in pcb via the Renumber() action, the 
capability to back annotate that to schematics exists today.  But that 
is it.  Manual renumbers, new instances, value changes (0.1 uF -> 0.01 
uF), pin swap, gate swaps, etc are not supported for back annotation.


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