Yes a document that included how to add attributes to the the
configuration scripts and how to write drc rules in guile would help
overcome the criptic programming nature issue.

Potentialy, this is also an are that geda consulting could get work.

Steve Meier

On Wed, 2007-11-07 at 10:04 -0600, John Griessen wrote:
> Steve Meier wrote:
> > One could argue that that is why we have guile scripts. If you have a
> > reasonable api access to the libgeda structures you should be able ask
> > complicated questions about the completness of a design.
> > 
> > So a drc2 type scripts ships with geda but it can be moddified for in
> > house requirements.
> > 
> > geda is very good about allowing the definition of new attributes. So
> > adding an attribute named multiOF and another named multiPart can be
> > done at the configuration scripts with zero need to recompile the c
> > code.
> So, do we just need more documentation of this and examples and
> templates?
> John Griessen

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