> I wonder how it gets from gEDA to derbian and Ubuntu?

Someone does the work of building and packaging it.

> I guess that could be a lot of work for you all.

Actually, I don't think "we" do it; it's someone on behalf of the
Ubuntu team who does it.

> What should I do pull over a *.tar.gzip and go from there?

We use CVS for the latest version; if you know CVS, you can get the
absolute latest - at least just to try it - from sourceforge.

> How well does that integrate with the package manager?

Not at all, but you don't need to install it to test it.

> Guess I did not explain too well.  File/Export layout click followed
> by a window with 5 buttons, click the gerber button then I got
> another small window ... PCB Print layout RS-27xX (Gerber)
> export... with a little field below containing the path to where it
> is going to put the gerbers.  I just added /gerbers to that path
> click ok and it exits PCB.

That's not a path, that's a filename, or at least a filename pattern.
Put the "gerbers/" before the filename part.

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