Look into config.log file generated by configure script. This file may contain 
the hint, what is really going on.

Wojciech Kazubski

> And the fun continues...
> I have
> gtk+-devel
> gtk2-devel
> glibc-devel
> guile-devel
> gettext-devel
> flex
> bison
> make
> gcc
> gcc-c++
> I then tried to configure gwave with the results below:
> checking for build-guile-gtk... no
> configure: error: Need guile-gtk 0.17 or later
> I found guile-gtk 2.0 at http://www.gnu.org/software/guile-gtk/
> Is this the best place to get it?
> How can I find what other software gwave will check for or should I
> just keep doing the install missing software/configure gwave loop?
> On Nov 24, 2007 2:46 AM, Peter TB Brett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Friday 23 November 2007 20:36:56 Robert Butts wrote:
> > > I tried to install gwave and got the error listed in the previous
> > > post.  Now I need to install gtk+ 1.0.1 or later.  The package manager
> > > shows I have gtk+ - 1:1-2-10-57-fc7-i386.  Is this the same?  If so,
> > > why is it not recognized?  Did the naming convention change?  When
> > > searching for software, is there a general location?
> > >
> >
> > You need (at least) the following packages for most software compilation:
> >
> > gtk2-devel
> > glibc-devel
> > guile-devel
> > gettext-devel
> > flex
> > bison
> > make
> > gcc
> > gcc-c++
> >
> > If you use Pirut, just select the "Development Tools", "Development 
> > Libraries"
> > and "GNOME Software Development" categories -- the defaults will pull in
> > everything you need.
> >
> >                                        Peter
> >
> > --
> > Peter Brett
> >
> > Electronic Systems Engineer
> > Integral Informatics Ltd
> >
> >
> >
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