On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 14:40 -0500, Robert Butts wrote:
> Thanks for all the input, however, I have a BSOD!
> I thought I was being safe by posting those questions prior to
> screwing with, and screwing up, my system but somehow screwing up is
> the end result.  I started up in linux, fedora 7, to have at it again.
> After some script flashing past me during boot up, some oks but quite
> a few fails, I got the following screen:

We'd probably need to see some sort of boot log, but it sounds much more
likely that there is some problem with the linux installation in
general. Whilst we _would_ say this.... It is highly unlikely anything
you did to try and install gwave has been the cause.

Was there any errors listed about not being able to mount the
file-system? Might you have run out of disk space?

If you can get to a text console and login. (You might be able to switch
to a text console with Alt+F1, or Ctrl+Alt+F1).

You need to look at the log file in /var/log/messages
You might need to log in (or use sudo) to become root to view this.

Is there anything interesting sounding towards the end of that log file?

Distro wise, any major one should work. I don't want to start a distro
war, but I use Ubuntu, it is fairly friendly to new Linux users, and I
know it has a gwave package.

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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