>> Perhaps we should take a step back and look at the big picture.  What
>> are you trying to do?
> Nothing specific, get comfortable with simulation.  I came from using Mentor
> products, GUI driven, quite some time ago.  I started using LTSpice because
> it seemed familiar.  Then decided to resist the GUI urge and get comfortable
> with ngspice and/or gnucap as many suggested it is worth the effort.  When
> eventual simulation happens simulation will mostly be mixed signal control
> systems, some audio.

OK.  Your desire is to learn how to drive a simulator using the CLI.
You want to do it on Linux.  You are already familiar with LTSpice, so
I won't recommend that you go that route.

Your problem is that you want to plot your simulations results.  Here
are some options.  Important caveat:  I haven't tried any of them, but
I have indeed heard about them.  Also, each of these projects is
better maintained than gwave, which is (unfortunately) more or less

*  If you use ngspice for simulation, you can use an Octave plug-in to
plot your results using Octave.  (Octave is an open-source MATLAB
equivalent.) Here's a link:


If Gnucap exports .raw files, then you could go this route with Gnucap
also.  Al, does Gnucap export .raw?

*  KJWaves.  You've read the flames, here's a link to using the tool
with ngspice:


KJWaves does require that you pre-install a Java virtual machine on
your Linux box.  A lot of people don't like this for political
reasons, but YMMV.  Another reason to not like it is that Java is a
whole 'nother dependecy which can be difficult to install itself.  But
if you've already got Java running, then why not try it?

*  Oregano.  This is another front-end to both ngspice and Gnucap,
providing plotting and a nice GUI to drive the simulation.  You'll
spend plenty of time hand-twiddling your netlist, so don't worry that
the GUI is in your way.


*  QUCS.  This is really more of an entire simulation system with
options to perform various analog, RF, and maybe digital simulations.
I don't know how far along it is, or how easy it is to use.


Personally, I'd give octavespice a try, since Octave is a powerful
environment for numerical analysis, and using Octave alongside
Gnucap/ngspice would make a powerful design combo.



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