On Saturday 01 December 2007, Stuart Brorson wrote:
> *  QUCS.  This is really more of an entire simulation system
> with options to perform various analog, RF, and maybe digital
> simulations. I don't know how far along it is, or how easy it
> is to use.

It is windoze-style, fully integrated, complete with the 
baggage.  I find it confusing to use, but I don't do windows.

On the plus side, it does a good job at RF.  It has harmonic 
balance, which no other free simulator has. 

On the minus side, The time stepping transient analysis is 
primitive.  Model support is poor, in the sense that anything 
needs to be ported.  It uses a wierd netlist format that is 
only compatible with itself.

There are lots of "models" included, in the sense of the 
Spice ".model" cards.

Just comments .... There is a lot of cookbook code, straight out 
of numerical analysis texts.  I'm not sure how much of it is 
actually used, as opposed to just being there.  There are a lot 
of other tools, such as filter synthesis, included in the 
package, accessable by menu.

I prefer the old unix style, with lots of small tools, each 
doing one job well.

With some help, gEDA and gnucap could be better in all areas.  
What we lack is in integration and in the easy but tedious 

I get the impression that they have a large team, with 
more "junior" people than we have, as you would find in some 
academic environments.

If we could combine the resources of gnucap, ngspice, and qucs, 
we would have more than some of the big spice projects, 
probably more than LTspice, and could easily come out on top.  
Too bad it seems it will never happen.

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