One way you can do this today is to at the schematic level add a
footprint attribute to each symbol as you place them. The pain is that
if you have a thousand resisters you have to do each one individualy.

I tend to create symbols that have a predefined foot print and then only
override it at the schemtic level when I need to.

For example I have all my surface mount resisters default to a 402
package. Then, since even these are quasie "virtual" as in they go ping
and are lost for ever when I hand solder them I switch the resistors to
an 805 package in place I know I am going to be playing with values.

I should note that pcb is very forgiving about not requiring footprint
info in the netlists while "I think or it has been my experience" that
pads requires the footprint information.

Steve Meier

On Wed, 2007-12-05 at 17:02 -0200, Alain M. wrote:
> Hi, I am new to gEDA, but I used orcad+tango for many years.
> I would like to suggest something in this light versus heavy library thread:
> Could it be that when the user inserts a light symbol in the schematic, 
> he also adds a "light" footprint (in the schematic editor) and from then 
> on, it behaves just as a heavy component? It could be the ideal for many 
> situations...
> Alain
> DJ Delorie escreveu:
> > How?
> > 
> > My initial thought is something that builds a heavy library from a
> > light one:
> > 
> > Input: light/*.sym
> >        light/*.fp
> > 
> > mapping table:
> >   sym | value | device | pinmap | newsym | other-attrs
> >   fp  | value | device | pinmap | newfp  | other-attrs
> > 
> > Output: heavy/*.sym
> >         heavy/*.fp
> > 
> > We need to be able to not only decide which light symbols/footprints
> > to use, but also how to map the light pin numbers to the heavy ones.
> > Ideally, the light/heavy symbols could co-exist, allowing parts to be
> > "enlightened" (converted from heavy back to light) in order to switch
> > parts, assuming the entities know what they "are".  This should also
> > allow footprint switches without messing up pin numbers.
> > 
> > The tricky part is coming up with a clever database schema so that we
> > can share lots of commonality among part families, while allowing the
> > special cases.  Some sort of multi-field wildcard system, I suppose,
> > using manufacturer part numbers (either some family name like 7404, or
> > common name like 1N4001) for "device", and including
> > manufacturer/partno columns.
> > 
> > The dull boring part is filling in all that information.
> > 
> > So, one clever perl script, and one giant SQL database, and we're
> > done!
> > 
> > 
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> >
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> > 
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