al davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Why invent a new language?  Either Verilog-AMS or VHDL-AMS, the =
> structural subset, has everything you need.

I needed something I could implement by myself without any help from the
outside world and without any dependencies.  It also needs to run under
UNIX Version 7 and cannot depend on anything other than a K&R C compiler
plus standard UNIX stuff that came with V7 (such as M4 that everyone
hates so much but which I absolutely adore).

The uEDA distribution tarball (source + documentation) weighs 35032
bytes.  Small is beautiful.  The Original UNIX way.

Quoting from uEDA documentation:

First a disclaimer is in order.  Different people write Free Software based on
different motivations.  Like most Free Software written by Michael Sokolov,
uEDA is based on the "scratching a personal itch" development model.  In other
words, I have written the software to satisfy my own internal need, and I
don't really care if you like it or not.  Please keep this observation in mind
as you discover that it lacks some feature you need or want, or that its flow
is not to your liking.  I have written it to satisfy *my* needs.  I could have
written it for myself and never released it, but I believe in sharing and
letting others have what I have (though whether they like it or not is not my
concern).  So there you have it.


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