On Dec 18, 2007, at 12:31 PM, Dave N6NZ wrote:
>>>> Perhaps what is needed here is the concept of
>>>> "data sources", with a defined API that forms an abstraction layer
>>>> between gschem and the component database(s), whatever format/ 
>>>> database
>>>> type/etc they may be stored in.  That way, "data source  
>>>> modules" (MySQL,
>>>> Postgres, Oracle, flat files, whatever) could be implemented,  
>>>> even as
>>>> dynamically loadable modules, and instantiated by config file
>>>> statements.
>>>>   As this'd be a layer of abstraction between gschem and the actual
>>>> component data, it would (and should) be transparent to the  
>>>> user, who
>>>> would simply be presented with the standard component chooser  
>>>> dialog
>>>> which would serve to "unify" the data.
>>> You're right, of course.
>>   So do you think it's feasible?
> In principal, sure.  But I really don't know much about the  
> internals of
> gschem, so it's hard for me to assess the difficulty of actually  
> wiring
> it up.  None of it is magic, though.

   I'm also unfamiliar with gschem's internals.  I wish I had more  
time; I'd love to code this up.  I'd love to be able to, say, point  
to your parts database server, point to DJs, point to Dan's, etc.,  
and have stuff from everyone's libraries instantly accessible via the  
Internet.  Such a database could be extended to include such things  
as SPICE/gnucap models, footprints for PCB, PDF datasheets, suggested  
vendors, "as seen" pricing and availability information, etc etc.

   WOWWOW that'd be powerful.  I'm drooling, here.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL
Farewell Ophelia, 9/22/1991 - 7/25/2007

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