On Jan 17, 2008 11:01 AM, Levente <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 17 Jan 2008 12:38:08 -0500
> Dan McMahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > DJ Delorie wrote:
> > >>>  This was fixed at one point, such that pcb itself would remove
> > >>>  the silk over pins and pads, but I haven't migrated that code
> > >>>  into the HID version yet.
> > >
> > > We changed our minds about this.  We changed PCB so that it showed
> > > silk over pads if that's what your design calls for, so if you see
> > > silk over pads on the screen, you'll get silk over pads on the board.
> > >
> > > The magic we chose to go with to deal with the fabs that can't handle
> > > cuts is to convert all cuts to multiple polygons instead, so that we
> > > never have to use cuts or negative layers.  That was what we used to
> > > remove the silk, and too many fabs didn't like it.
> > >
> > > Which fab is it?  Are they unable to fix the problem themselves?
> >
> > A DRC check for silk on pads would probably be good.  In my past life,
> > we always had in house reviews of the gerbers and weren't allowed to
> > send them to a board vendor until there was no silk on the pads
> Yes. In the other hand however, it may be good to have code in PCB that
> optionally removes silkscreen from pads. For an example, please see this
> photo. What you can see is a power transistor, and a thermo-resistor.
> http://logonex.eu/gallery/tns/c4.html
> Best wishes,
> --
> Levente
> http://web.interware.hu/lekovacs
> I also believe that it would be good if PCB could remove overlapping
silkscreen although the fab house I've used seems to be able to do it

I don't get the picture.  It looks like a power transistor and a diode, and
I don't see obvious silkscreen overlap.

Joe T

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