> Hello everyone,
> How can I know the pitch and area of the TQFP100_14 footprint
> available in the pcblib ?
Look into the file geda.inc:
define(`PKG_TQFP100_14', `PKG_QFP_50(`$1',`$2',`$3',`100',`14',`0')');
the suffix 50 describes pin spacing in 1/100mm.

More generic package PKG_QFP_50 is defined in qfpdj.inc as:
define(`PKG_QFP_50', `PKG_GENERIC_QFP(`$1',`$2',`$3',`$4',`$5', 
`50',`28',`20', `80',`0',`$6')')
here 6th parameter defines pin spacing and is set to 50.

Wojciech Kazubski 

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