Thank you!

2008/5/17 Dan McMahill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Yang Hawk wrote:
> >  have a question about why my current flow is negative:
> > my circuit net list here:
> > diode
> > vs    1    0    dc    1v
> > d1    1    0    dnorm
> > .dc    vs    -0.8v    0.7v    0.004v
> > .model    dnorm    d(is=1e-14)
> > .probe
> > .end
> >
> > and in ngspice, I execute,
> > plot i(vs)
> >
> > the plot graph is shown that the current is negative
> >
> > I find the answer from ngspice/spice3f5 user's manual:
> >
> > specifies the current flowing in the independent voltage source named
> > VXXXXXXX. Positive current flows from the positive node, through the
> > source, to the negative node. For the ac analysis, the corresponding
> > replacements for the letter I may be made in the same way as described
> > for voltage outputs.
> >
> >
> > so, no doubt, the current is negative. But why the spice is so designed?
>  >
> why not?
> > and How could I check current between any two nodes?
> I'm assuming you mean "how could I check current in any branch".  You
> can insert a zero volt DC voltage source in any branch and monitor the
> current through it.
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