On Thu, 10 Jul 2008, John Doty wrote:

> On Jul 9, 2008, at 10:02 PM, David Griffith wrote:
> > I need some help with a high-voltage power supply.  It must provide
> > 1200 volts from two D cells.  The general design is an oscillator
> > chops up the DC, feeds it to an audio transformer, and then on to a
> > diode-capacitor ladder.  There also needs to be a point on the ladder
> > that provides 920 volts.  I can't seem to get anywhere with Spice on
> > figuring out the right values.  Can someone point me to a tested
> > schematic that meets my needs? Or how about a resource on just how to
> > go about designing this sort of power supply?
> There's a pretty good analysis of this kind of circuit at:
> www.blazelabs.com/CWdesign.pdf

Thanks!  I think that'll do the trick.  It looks like it has Mathematica
or Maple commands, but I can't be sure.  Hmm...

> > I have a schematic that will do 920V from a 9V battery, but it suffers
> > from high drain if pushed to go to 1200.
> Maybe you need another stage in your Cockroft-Walton ladder.

Probably.  That file you referenced will give me a lot to go on.

> >   It uses a bog-standard XICON
> > 42TM114-RC (15:1 with center taps).  The schematic is here:
> > http://frotz.homeunix.org/images/hwps.png.

David Griffith

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