I've seen some recent posts regarding the bom2 gnetlist report.  I didn't see 
an answer to my question so I'm writing to beg for help.  I've played with bom2 
and the attribs file and it seems to work for me.  One thing bom2 does is put 
all of the reference designators on one line which is what I want.  Is there a 
way to get a quantity for each line in the bom?  I've tried adding the word 
quantity to the attribs file but this has no effect.  I thought maybe there was 
a special word or syntax for the attribs file that might make this work.  I've 
been using the partslist3 option to generate my bom but it is nice to be able 
to use the attribs file to customize things.

In the future, I would like to be able to modify the scripts to generate boms 
in different ways.   If someone could point me to an example file and a 
resource to learn the language I think I could figure it out.


Best Regards,
Ed Schurig

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