On Wed, 2008-10-01 at 16:19 +0200, Richard Rasker wrote:
> Op woensdag 01-10-2008 om 12:58 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef 

> > You can set this list of paths from within the GUI (GTK-GUI assumed):
> >     File --> Preferences --> Library
> ??? if I enter the path to newlib here, PCB's library window shows
> double entries for every subdirectory -- so I see two instances of
> "analog-devices", "burr-brown", "connectors" etcetera. So I have a
> suspicion that this library-newlib setting isn't the right solution at
> all.

You really shouldn't be keeping your locally created footprints in the
directories created by the install of PCB. Most distros would probably
preserve the directry if PCB were uninstalled / upgraded, but its not
particularly nice. Having a single dir you can add neatly cures the
double-entry problem.

> > Note, this library path does not affect gsch2pcb/gnetlist.
> > The recommended place to set the lib path for these tools is 
> > gafrc at one of the various local or system-wide places.
> And what exactly am I supposed to enter there? I can only find a file
> geda-0.0.2/share/gEDA/system-gafrc, and there's no line defining library
> locations or whatever. And yes, I really need gsch2pcb to work -- it's
> the only way I can reliably design pcb's with hundreds of components.

For _symbol_ libraries, entering a line like:

(component-library "symbols" "Local symbols")

In "a" gafrc file. (Either the system one, or ~/.gEDA/gafrc or a file
called "gafrc" in the directory with your schematics).

Adds the "symbols" directory (relative to current path) to the the list
of symbol libraies.

To teach gsch2pcb to find your _packages_, you want to add on the
command line:

-d /path/to/packages (or --elements-dir /path/to/packages)

OR, add the directive in your gsch2pcb project file:

elements-dir /path/to/packages

OR, make use or project local packages, and the fact that gsch2pcb will
always hunt in the folder called "packages" in the current directory.

Run gsch2pcb --help for more info.

> What I don't understand is why I have to bother with these things all of
> a sudden -- and why this doesn't appear to be documented anywhere. All
> the manuals simply say that I can simply create footprints and save
> these somewhere under the newlib directory. And in previous gEDA
> versions, I never encountered these problems.

What do you mean "all of a sudden"? You have a new install of PCB, and
the search paths aren't setup as you expected. I presume you installed
previous versions of gEDA from sources / distro packages? (This is still
probably the best way for good integration with your desktop).

Peter Clifton

Electrical Engineering Division,
Engineering Department,
University of Cambridge,
9, JJ Thomson Avenue,

Tel: +44 (0)7729 980173 - (No signal in the lab!)

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