On Wed, 01 Oct 2008 16:19:18 +0200, Richard Rasker wrote:

>> Note, this library path does not affect gsch2pcb/gnetlist. The
>> recommended place to set the lib path for these tools is gafrc at one
>> of the various local or system-wide places.
> And what exactly am I supposed to enter there? 

Depends on what you want to achieve. I don't want gschem to use the 
default libs at all. So, my $HOME/gEDA/gafrc first makes gschem and 
gnetlist forget about the default system libs. Then it gives the path to 
my local libraries:

(reset-component-library)   ; don't use system symbols
(reset-source-library)     ; don't use system footprints

; Allow to source symbols from the current working directory
(define current-working-directory (getenv "PWD"))
(component-library current-working-directory)
(source-library  current-working-directory)

; Local Footprints library
(source-library "/home/kmk/geda/footprints")

If I remember correctly, I got this information from the gschem tutorial.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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