Hi guys,

I've noticed I could set on gschem's the `value' attribute for each symbol 
which could be then shown on the final layout, which I find so nice and I 
prefer over the default scheme.

Is there anyway I can control it's text's size once on pcb? I have tried 
changing the `text scale' option's value from within the preferences menu and 
restarting pcb, but it only seems to apply for newly/manualy created text.

Also, I've noticed that `gsch2pb' truncates white spaces on symbols' value 
attributes to underscores, though nothing wrong seems to happen if I emacs the 
resulting pcb and remove them. Is there anyway to let gsch2pcb not to do this?

Ah, and another thing yet!. I got to a point where I had to delete the ground 
plane layer and rebuild it/regroup it because after some retouches, the ground 
plane got completely twisted. By times not even turning off `thin draw poly' I 
could see it at all.

I've just noticed that not letting routes lay too near from components 
(especially when it will stay in parallel with such components' pins) will 
somehow cause the logic to confuse less. 

For example, it seems that for this time, a route from top to bottom in the 
middle of a vertically placed dip28 package, was causing this behaviour cose of 
beeing drawn too near to the pins (the package was placed vertically also). I 
found this out on a completely trial and error scheme, but after I did redraw 
it a bit more separated I haven't had to rebuild the ground plane anymore, even 
when I've made several changes to the layout afterwards.

And sorry for the very long post, but that leads me to another question in 
regards to the previous answer from Delorie to me.

I've finally kept the component layer on my layout as advised. I've temporally 
placed there guides used to rebuild the ground plane when needed. 

Now, I'm just curious cose Delorie said that I can disable the layer so (I 
understood) it won't be rendered at output time time even if it got things 
drawn on it. 

However, I don't seem to be able to achieve it. The only way I could think of 
disabling a layer is pressing on it's name up in the upper left hand side stack 
behind the menu bar, but then it get's written to the output file (postscript 
is what I'm using).

Is there anyway to avoid this?




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