On Oct 29, 2008, at 6:51 PM, John Doty wrote:
>>  I rather despise the new-fangled "plop a component down and attach
>> netnames to each of the pins, with no lines going anywhere"
>> methodology, if that's what you meant by your spaghetti reference. ;)
> No, I meant the opposite, where you have hundreds of long lines on
> the page, requiring extremely careful tracing to figure out where the
> one you're interested goes. I like named nets.

   That's what I meant...I find it much easier to trace long lines  
than to do what amounts to a visual free-space text search looking  
for net names.  I guess it's a difference in how our respective  
brains work.

>> with a title block, and I print them usually at 11"x17".  Would it be
>> reasonable to simply use a LARGE title block (say, E size) and scale
>> it to fit the page on the way out to the printer?
> Yes. That's the approach gschem supports: the paper size you give in
> the print dialog determines the scale of the PS output. I typically
> print a "B" titleblock on "A" paper. Some prefer "C" (screen) to
> "A" (paper). The only unreasonable thing here is that I suspect
> you'll find that people will need a magnifier to read "E" to "B". But
> maybe your readers' eyes are better than mine.

   Well most of the time nobody else will see the schematics; just me  
and (occasionally) two other guys, and they don't mind compactness.   
For us, just coincidentally, the desire to have more circuit context  
on the page is of greater value than larger symbols.


Dave McGuire
Port Charlotte, FL

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